International Women's Day (IWD) stories - Page 21

IWD 2023: Female leaders reflect on inclusivity and diversity in tech
Wed, 8th Mar 2023
women in technology
IWD presents an opportunity to highlight how we can better prevent ongoing inequality and injustices that exist for women and non-binary people within tech.

IWD 2023: Promoting diversity in the data analytics workforce
Wed, 8th Mar 2023
data analytics
women in technology
Diversity is crucial in data analytics for better decision-making. Alteryx promotes diversity through education and mentorship programs.

IWD 2023: Women disrupting tech - Leading the charge in innovation and inclusion
Wed, 8th Mar 2023
women in technology
The gender gap in the tech industry is still a prevalent issue, but progress is being made through initiatives and female leadership.

IWD 2023: How changing times can be an opportunity to embrace equity
Wed, 8th Mar 2023
women in technology
Look out for ways to boost diversity and inclusion while you’re shaking things up, says Lisa Baldwin, Regional Business Manager, Ricoh Australia.

IWD 2023: Overcoming Australia’s IT Sector Gender Imbalance
Wed, 8th Mar 2023
women in technology
it industry
One way to tackle the underrepresentation challenge is by encouraging greater numbers of young women to consider IT as a career choice.

IWD 2023: Breaking the glass ceiling in tech, one crack at a time
Wed, 8th Mar 2023
women in technology
This year, we have more case studies and proof points than ever of the ability to create and reap the benefits of gender-balanced teams.

IWD 2023: How programs can contribute to a healthier gender balance
Wed, 8th Mar 2023
it industry
Greater female representation in Australian ICT organisations won’t come about by accident, notes BeyondTrust’s VP Talent Management, Laura Edwards-Lassner

IWD 2023: So where are all the female founders in the IT sector?
Wed, 8th Mar 2023
women in technology
A key factor in growing the number of women founders is attracting and retaining more women in the sector in the first place.

IWD 2023: Achieving gender equality in the IT sector
Wed, 8th Mar 2023
it industry
If you haven't already learnt about the benefits of having more women in the workplace, it's time to educate yourself and your peers.

IWD 2023: Building on Momentum to Empower Equity
Wed, 8th Mar 2023
juniper networks
At the very basic level, ensuring equity is very simply the right thing to do. Today, it has also become a table-stake for attracting and retaining top talent.

IWD 2023: #EmbraceEquity – innovating towards a gender equal future
Wed, 8th Mar 2023
women in technology
it industry
Despite the celebrated response to the pandemic by female leaders, women still trail men when it comes to securing decision-making and C-suite positions.

IWD 2023: Why we must be louder about women in music
Wed, 8th Mar 2023
digital entertainment
From artists to songwriters, producers, executives and beyond - women continue to be chronically underrepresented at all levels across the industry.

IWD 2023: Australia's tech sector needs more diversity
Wed, 8th Mar 2023
women in technology
Australia's tech industry is thriving but struggling with gender equity. Women make up just 29% of the workforce, according to a report.

IWD 2023: 26.7% of Women in Tech is not nearly enough
Wed, 8th Mar 2023
it industry
Women only make up 36% of enrolments in university STEM courses and just 16% of enrolments in vocational STEM courses.

IWD 2023: How we can help women transform STEM fields
Wed, 8th Mar 2023
women in technology
STEM industry lacking female representation in Australia, as women contribute to just 36% of STEM enrolments, says new report.

IWD 2023: Investing in Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality
Wed, 8th Mar 2023
women in technology
Organisations today must strive to constantly recalibrate their processes to promote a diverse, inclusive, and progressive workplace culture.

IWD 2023: The hidden cost of being a Female Tech Entrepreneur
Wed, 8th Mar 2023
women in technology
The entrepreneurs that I met before starting my own journey saw the world differently, and I wanted to see the world from their lens.

IWD 2023: Diverse perspectives for post pandemic regeneration
Wed, 8th Mar 2023
women in technology
As businesses look to achieve greater output efficiency following years of stagnation, they often need not look further than their people.

IWD 2023: How organizations can reduce gender bias with Data Science and AI
Wed, 8th Mar 2023
data science
Despite the immense growth the region has seen in recent years, a majority of consumers continue to be unbanked or underbanked.

IWD 2023: How open source and AI can solve Australia’s skills shortage
Wed, 8th Mar 2023
open source
Demand for developers continues to outstrip supply, and this mismatch poses a major threat to Australian companies looking to compete on the world stage.